About Us
Eagle Ocean Marine - widely known as EOM - is an American Club fixed premium facility offering gold standard International Group club service, underpinned by the impeccable security of reinsurance at Lloyd's.
The facility, operated by Eagle Ocean Agencies, Inc. offers full protection and indemnity (P&I), and freight, demurrage and defense (FD&D), cover for policy limits up to $500 million for P&I and $2 million for FD&D.
The facility is intended to cater mainly to the needs of the operators of smaller ships in local and regional trades. Cover is available to operators worldwide excluding those based in the United States or trading exclusively in US waters.
The global capabilities of this facility are second-to-none, with offices in New York, London, Piraeus, Hong Kong and Shanghai, combined with a full network of claims agents around worldwide.
The operator of the facility, Eagle Ocean Agencies, Inc., is an affiliated company of Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., managers of the American P&I Club, and of Atlantic Marine Associates, Inc., a provider of general marine adjusting, claims handling, survey and consultancy services. Eagle Ocean Marine is thus able to draw upon a wealth of professional expertise derived from the broadest industry experience and associated skills.
Eagle Ocean Marine aims to provide attentive, sensibly priced insurance to operators for whom a fixed premium rather than mutual club product is the preferred choice, but who have high expectations of their insurers and who recognize the value of a superior insurance product. Eagle Ocean Marine seeks to distinguish itself from its competitors by providing excellent security and cost reliability with a breadth of service, depth of expertise and speed of response derived from its well established Club management pedigree.
Eagle Ocean Marine looks forward to doing business with interested parties and will be pleased to provide quotations on request.