Surveys - Guidance for Surveyors
The owners/managers of vessels insured (or to be insured) with Eagle Ocean Marine (EOM) are required to make direct contact with the Atlantic Marine Associates (AMA) Inc. appointed / approved surveyors. Contact details for the appropriate surveyor will be provided as/when required.
All correspondence between the owner/manager and the surveyor should be copied to the EOM underwriting department and AMA Inc. in order for progress to be monitored
Surveyors should secure details of the vessel, her availability and full contact details of the owners and their local agent.
Surveyors should then agree the costs for the survey and secure payment in advance from the owner or his local agent. Payment will not be arranged via EOM and fees will not be guaranteed by EOM.
The survey form to be used is available in two parts, here (part A) (PDF) and here (part B). (PDF)
EOM / AMA Inc. will advise the owners/managers that the following on-board preparations should be made prior to commencement of the survey:
- Have all manholes open to all cargo and/or ballast tanks which are to be presented for inspection. Tanks are to be well ventilated and tested as per enclosed spaces entry procedures, including all tank entry papers filled out.
- Prepare for ultra-sonic test of hatches/covers.
- Prepare the rigging of lighting for hold inspection.
- Have cargo handling equipment records prepared for inspection.
- Prepare for demonstration of steering gear (normal and emergency).
- Prepare for demonstration of emergency generators, under working conditions.
- Prepare for demonstration of emergency fire pump, under working conditions.
- Have copies of statutory certificates and class certificates made available.
- Prepare for demonstration that nautical publications and charts are current.
- Have engine maintenance records made available.
- Prepare for demonstration that bilge alarms, quick closing devices, ventilator dampers and other similar devices are serviceable.
On completion of the survey, you should leave an initial draft report (Part A) with the master. This will be followed by a formal report (Parts A and B) which are to be copied to EOM and AMA Inc.
Any reservation in cover resulting from the survey or amendments to the terms and conditions of cover will then be advised by Eagle Ocean Marine. In the event that the vessel fails survey, Eagle Ocean Marine reserves the right to terminate cover ab initio.
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